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Digital Impressions

By now, everyone has heard about the advantages of scanning dental impressions digitally. Digital “impressions” are more comfortable for patients, faster for the dental team, and are able to produce highly accurate images that contribute to restorations that seat easily and quickly. I personally have used a digital scanner for six years, and have been able to see how each successive generation of the technology has improved on the last. Today, scanners have reached a point where they are more flexible, accurate, and productive than ever before.

Franco & Associates Family and Cosmetic Dentistry use the 3Shape Trios Scanner, which has greatly streamlined the workflow in our office, and not just for crown and bridge work. Very often the discussions surrounding scanners pertain just to crown and bridge applications, which is logical given how much of the average dentist’s day is devoted to these procedures. But digital scanners have capabilities far beyond crowns and bridges, which can make them even more valuable tools. It’s important for practitioners to consider not only what they might be comfortable doing with a digital scanner now, but also what additional workflows they might one day want to incorporate into their daily practices.


  • Less adjustments
  • Improved accuracy
  • Faster than traditional route of impressions
  • Reduced remakes
  • No impression materials/mess
  • Cost saving

Direct Benefits to the Patient with the 3shape Trios:

  • Comfortable and Quick
  • Better fitting restoration
  • Improved clinical results
  • Fewer remakes and reduced appointments
  • Less chair time