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Anutra Local Anesthetic Delivery System

Franco & Associates Family and Cosmetic Dentistry is committed to providing the best patient experience possible. As a result, they have invested in the Anutra Local Anesthetic Delivery System which leverages science to increase patient comfort while shortening appointment times.

The science of buffering is an age-old science practiced regularly in the field of medicine. Buffering is simply a chemical process that neutralizes acids and bases. One of the primary complaints patients express about going to the dentist is the pain of an injection. What most people do not understand is that the likely root cause of that burning and stinging sensation is from the anesthetic being used. Local anesthetics are traditionally very acidic. In fact, many anesthetics share a similar pH level as citric acid, which is found in lemon juice. That high level of acidity contributes to the majority of pain that is felt by patients after injection.

With the Anutra Local Anesthetic Delivery System, local anesthetic is buffered to physiological pH meaning that the high levels of acidity are reduced and mirror the body’s pH. This, in turn, allows patients to become numb more quickly, it reduces the patient’s pain and it increases the likelihood that patients will only need one injection to become anesthetized. Additionally, this technology can help to reduce appointment time. This technology, due to the rapid onset of the anesthetic, allows the doctor to never leave the patient’s side after injection and begin to go to work immediately. By bringing the Anutra Local Anesthetic Delivery System into their office, Killian, Milnar & Franco has invested in providing the best patient experience possible.