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Metal Free Dentistry

What are metal-free fillings?

For many years, “amalgam” or metal-based fillings, and gold crowns and bridges were the norm in restoring damaged teeth. Although not visually appealing, these metals were regarded as the best solution for managing tooth restoration. A vigorous debate has arisen in the dental profession about possible health risks resulting from having these various metals in a patient’s mouth for long durations, though no conclusive research has been offered. Today, metal-free dentistry, as practiced by Drs. Milnar & Franco, completely side-steps the debate by providing a safe, visually-appealing and a more structurally-sound solution for tooth restoration. We use “ Minimally Invasive” Protocol when replacing amalgam fillings with state-of-the-art synthetic, tooth-colored compounds that offer distinct advantages over “old-style” metals:

  • These materials have high strength, yet do not damage the opposing teeth
  • They are attached to the existing tooth structure by bonding, with very high bio-compatible adhesion
  • The material can be sculpted for a custom fit, even after it has been bonded inside the mouth