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Intra-Oral Cameras

Acceptance of treatment plans is a primary goal in a dental practice. Many offices are now using digital X-rays. The enlarged and enhanced radiographic images promote education and make it easier for patients to gain confidence in proposed treatment. Most patients appreciate digital X-rays, but these alone don’t always tell the whole story. Intra-oral camera images can further support your radiographic findings and complete the picture, so to speak. Imagine an enlarged intra-oral image of your patient’s teeth on your computer monitor. You now have the benefit of showing your patients chips, cracks, leaking restorations, calculus, periodontal abnormalities, and any other disease or disorder that may be present.

At Franco & Associates Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, we work hand-in-hand with patients to create a bond of teamwork. One of the ways he brings this about is through the use of a high-tech tool, the intra-oral camera. This amazing device is a miniature video camera that displays a close-up picture of the inside of your mouth. You can see for yourself what work needs to be done and which teeth are doing fine. You then become a participant in each dental decision.