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Smile Gallery

Cosmetic dentistry is for everyone

We use cosmetic dentistry to refashion chipped teeth, replace metal fillings with “invisible fillings” and recreate missing teeth – Even an entire smile makeover can be achieved with cosmetic dentistry!

Problem: Teeth chipping overtime. Not able to show teeth very well. Did not like to smile

Solution: Zirconia crowns

Actual patient of Dr. Franco

Problem: Large space in the gum line area between the two front teeth. The space creates a black triangle when smiling

Solution: Space closed with cosmetic bonding

Actual patient of Dr. Franco

Problem: Misaligned teeth affecting the alignment and the oral hygiene.

Solution: Alignment with Invisalign

Actual patient of Dr. Franco

Problem: No teeth in the upper arch and some teeth missing in the bottom jaw. The lack of multiple teeth causes the muscles to wrinkle and suction in and make the bone be misaligned giving a different profile to the face

Solution: Upper denture and lower partial. S
We how the denture helps to fill the wrinkles in the face and aligns the jaw giving a much more aesthetic appearance, tissue support and better function

Actual patient of Dr. franco

Before and after crowns

Problem: Tooth discoloration and asymmetry.

Solution: Aesthetic crowns. Smile improved significantly providing more confidence and joy to the patient.

Actual patient of Dr. franco

Problem – Misaligned teeth

Solution – The teeth were properly aligned to achieve a more pleasant smile with clear aligners

Categories – Clear Aligners

Actual patient of Dr. Franco.

Problem – Peg lateral (smaller sized lateral incisors from birth)

Solution – The shape of the lateral incisors has greatly improved with veneers

Categories – Veneers

Actual patient of Dr. Franco.

SG 1

Problem – Absence of pink gum tissue due to failed periodontal gum

Solution – No preparation bonding with pink and tooth colored composites surgery to create the illusion of gum tissue

Categories – Pink Composites

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 2

Problem – Unaesthetic composite veneer on front tooth

Solution – Replace composite veneer with nano-technology composite with minimal preparation

See also Direct Resin Veneers – Case Type V for AAACD Accreditation

Categories – Composites, Minimally Invasive Dentistry

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 3

Problem – Worn teeth that appear short

Solution – Restore teeth with custom porcelain veneers

Categories – Porcelain Veneers

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 4

Problem – Crowded and unsightly front teeth

Solution – Place no-prep and minimally preparation porcelain veneers

Categories – Porcelain Veneers, Minimally Invasive Dentistry

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 5

Problem – Size and form disharmony with front teeth

Solution – No preparation placement of prefabricated composite veneers and free hand bonding

Categories – Composites, Minimally Invasive Dentistry

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 6Problem – Single discolored front tooth

Solution – Bleach single front tooth

Categories – Bleaching

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 7

Problem – Severely fractured front teeth due to decay

Solution – Restore front teeth with minimal preparation and nano-technology composite

Categories – Minimally Invasive Dentistry

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 8

Problem – Discolored teeth

Solution – In-office bleaching

Categories – Bleaching

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 9

Problem – Discolored teeth from childhood

Solution – Restore discolored teeth with minimal preparation and nano-technology composite

Categories – Minimally Invasive Dentistry

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 10

Problem – Discolored teeth due to tetracycline stain.

Solution – Porcelain Veneers with pink porcelain to cover exposed roots

Categories – Porcelain Crowns, Custom Shading

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 11

Problem – Discolored front tooth with metal-based crown.

Solution – All ceramic custom shaded crown

Categories – Porcelain Crowns, Custom Shading

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 12

Problem – Discolored composite restoration

Solution – Restore tooth with multiple shades of composite

Categories – Composites

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 13

Problem – Unesthetic smile due to simple tooth bridge with metal backing

Solution – Replace bridge with fiber composite and single tooth replacement with composite

Categories – Composites, Custom Shading

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 14

Problem – Discolored natural teeth

Solution – Restore discolored areas using micro-dentistry preparations and composites

Categories – Composites, Minimally Invasive Dentistry

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 15

Problem – Spaces between teeth following Orthodontics

Solution – Restore teeth using no-preparations and composites

Categories – Composites, Minimally Invasive Dentistry

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 16

Problem – Root exposure

Solution – Restore with pink composites

Categories – Pink Composites

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 17

Problem – Unattractive smile due to exposed roots

Solution – Restore root surfaces with pink composites

Categories – Pink Composites

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 18

Problem – Original tooth was fractured and the fractured piece was bonded in place

Solution – Re-attach original tooth fragment with multiple shades of composite

Categories – Composites, Custom Shading

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 19

Problem – Stained areas and previously placed composite

Solution – Restore teeth with multiple shades of composite

Categories – Nano Technology

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 20

Problem – Fractured tooth

Solution – Restore tooth with multiple shades of composite

Categories – Composites, Custom Shading

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 21

Problem – Discolored composites

Solution – Replace composites with multiple shades of composite

Categories – Composites, Custom Shading

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 22

Problem – Discolored composites

Solution – Replace composites with multiple shades of composite

Categories – Composites, Custom Shading

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 23

Problem – Space between front teeth

Solution – Close midline with no-preparation using multiple shades of composite

Categories – Composites, Custom Shading

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 24

Problem – Space between front teeth

Solution – Close midline with no preparation using multiple shades of composite

Categories – Composites, Custom Shading

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 25

Problem – Unattractive smile due to uneven spaces between teeth

Solution – Close spaces with composites without tooth preparation

Categories – Composite

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 26

Problem – Unattractive smile due to crowded teeth

Solution – Restore front teeth with multiple shades of composite without tooth preparation

Categories – Composite

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 27

Problem – Chipped teeth

Solution – Restore teeth with porcelain veneers

Categories – Porcelain Veneers

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.SG 28

Problem – Stained teeth

Solution – Restore teeth with porcelain veneers

Categories – Porcelain Veneers

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 29

Problem – Elongated front teeth with discoloration

Solution – Re-contour front teeth followed by bleaching

Categories – Bleaching

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 30

Problem – Ill-fitting crowns that were too large

Solution – Replace with natural appearing all-porcelain crowns

Categories – Porcelain Crowns

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 31

Problem – Discolored teeth

Solution – Restore teeth with porcelain crowns

Categories – Porcelain Crowns

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.

SG 32

Problem – Non-restorable front tooth

Solution – Missing tooth restored with dental implant and all porcelain crown

Categories – Dental Implants

Actual patient of Dr. Milnar.